As a Managing Director of a public listed wine company, a chairman of a world-renowned wine region’s peak body and managing global business intelligence for two of the world’s ten largest wine companies, Peter McAtamney knew, in starting Wine Business Solutions (WBS) almost twenty years ago that just having another opinion is not going to cut it – there are already plenty of opinions out there.He was motivated to provide unbiased advice to wine business managers, not driven by hidden agendas, but by factual, research driven business intelligence. WBS Pioneered global On-Premise research, including the South African On-Premise report, conducted locally. The report covers 6 out of the 7 largest markets for imported wine, including Australia and New Zealand. The On-Premise research enables a value chain analysis to ensure profitable price positioning, valuable market trends and best-in-class distribution for each market. This led to benchmarking Direct to Consumer (DtC) sales across Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Coincidentally Peter is connected to all three countries, currently residing in Australia, born in New Zealand and married to a South African. The comprehensive Silicon Valley Bank Direct-to-Consumer Report make a near perfect read of the US market. WBS followed their lead and will collaborate with newly launched Vintelligence to establish a dedicated E-commerce analysis to be included in the DTC report, ensuring a global benchmark for all the DtC channels. The importance of dedicated wine consumer research cannot be overlooked. The Great Big Wine Survey conducted by Vintelligence for the second year in association with Hollard Insurance is, by a very large margin, the biggest wine consumer survey on earth. The power and possibility of this, in terms of helping SA wine producers address local market opportunity, is immense. WBS provides insight by overlaying quality market intelligence with a global commercial understanding to this report. By getting your price positioning, product offering, channels of distribution and customer value proposition aligned, you ensure a prosperous industry impacting positively on the 270 000 individuals employed by the wine value chain. WBS is very excited to announce our partnership with Vintelligence, the first dedicated wine consumer research company in South Africa. Their collaborative approach ensures more real time access to multiple data sources for E-commerce and DtC platforms, adding value to our online retail projects. But most importantly the boundless dimensions of which the Great Big Wine Survey data can be interrogated to provide custom insights of the local wine consumer.
Peter McAtamney
Pieter van Niekerk